**REGISTRATION CLOSED*** AP/OD Online Program Acquisition Institute October 30- November 9 | Presented in English

In the AP/OD Online 3rd Edition Program Acquisition Institute, participants will learn how to provide the curriculum directly to parents/families with children 0-5.
• The online training will require a minimum 17hrs of your time throughout the 2-weeks. We ask all participants to plan their work week accordingly.
• The training consists of 6 required live sessions via Zoom with our Master trainer and online homework that you will complete prior to each Zoom session.
• In order to receive your certification for implementing the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, it is required YOU COMPLETE THE ONLINE HOMEWORK AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE 6 SCHEDULED ZOOM SESSIONS.
*First day of the training is Monday 10/30, even though there is no Zoom session on this date - participants should designate at least 2 hours this day to create their online account and complete the online homework to be prepared for the first Zoom session.

1. Zoom session #1 – Tuesday, 10/31 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:05 am Pacific Time (PT)

2. Zoom session #2 –Thursday, 11/ 2 | Time: 9:30am – 11:30am PT

3. Zoom session #3 – Monday, 11/6 | Time: 9:30am – 11:35am PT

4. Zoom session #4 – Tuesday, 11/7 | Time: 9:30am -11:35am PT

5. Zoom session #5 – Wednesday, 11/8 | Time: 9:30am – 10:55am PT

6. Zoom session #6 – Thursday, 11/9 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:15 am PT


Utilizing The Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Program Evaluation Tools: A Practical Guide for Implementing Partners

Description: This online workshop is designed to provide implementing partners with tools and resources for evaluating the effectiveness of their AP/OD program. Participants will learn about the importance of program evaluation, explore the 3rd Edition evaluation tools available to them, and learn how to use evaluation data to learn about program effectiveness and outcomes. The workshop will also provide participants with updated tools and resources for implementing and utilizing program evaluation tools.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the importance of program evaluation for effective parent programs.
2. Explore updated program evaluation tools and resources. 
3. Learn how to collect and analyze evaluation data.
4. Understand how to use evaluation data to improve program outcomes.

Utilización de las herramientas de evaluación del programa Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors: Una guía práctica para los socios implementadores

Resumen: Este taller en línea está diseñado para proporcionar a los socios implementadores herramientas y recursos para evaluar la efectividad de su programa AP/OD. Los participantes aprenderán sobre la importancia de la evaluación del programa, explorarán las herramientas de evaluación de la tercera edición disponibles para ellos y aprenderán cómo utilizar los datos de la evaluación para conocer la efectividad y los resultados del programa. El taller también proporcionará a los participantes herramientas y recursos actualizados para implementar y utilizar herramientas de evaluación de programas.
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
1. Comprender la importancia de la evaluación del programa para programas eficaces para padres.
2. Explorar herramientas y recursos actualizados de evaluación de programas
3. Aprenda a recopilar y analizar datos de evaluación.
4. Comprender cómo utilizar los datos de la evaluación para mejorar los resultados del programa.

**REGISTRATION CLOSED** AP/OD Online Program Acquisition Institute November 27-December 8 | Presented in Spanish

In the AP/OD Online 3rd Edition Program Acquisition Institute, participants will learn how to provide the curriculum directly to parents/families with children 0-5.
• The online training will require a minimum 17hrs of your time throughout the 2-weeks. We ask all participants to plan their work week accordingly.
• The training consists of 6 required live sessions via Zoom with our Master trainer and online homework that you will complete prior to each Zoom session.
• In order to receive your certification for implementing the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, it is required YOU COMPLETE THE ONLINE HOMEWORK AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE 6 SCHEDULED ZOOM SESSIONS.
*First day of the training is Monday 11/27, even though there is no Zoom session on this date - participants should designate at least 2 hours this day to create their online account and complete the online homework to be prepared for the first Zoom session.

1. Zoom session #1 – Tuesday, 11/28 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:05 am Pacific Time (PT)

2. Zoom session #2 – Thursday, 11/30  | Time: 9:30am – 11:30am PT

3. Zoom session #3 – Monday, 12/04| Time: 9:30am – 11:35am PT

4. Zoom session #4 – Tuesday, 12/05 | Time: 9:30am -11:35am PT

5. Zoom session #5 – Thursday, 12/07 | Time: 9:30am – 10:55am PT

6. Zoom session #6 – Friday, 12/08 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:15 am PT


Empowering Parent/Caregiver Engagement: Effective Strategies to Improve Attendance for your Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Program

This workshop is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to enhance parent/caregiver participation in the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors (AP/OD) program, ultimately leading to positive outcomes for children and families.

During this workshop, you will learn about best practices for outreach, recruitment, and retention to support the success of your AP/OD Program. Our expert facilitator will guide you through the process of adopting the AP/OD program as your own, reflecting the culture and realities of diverse families.
Whether you are a new facilitator or an existing one, this workshop will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to effectively engage and empower parents/caregivers in the AP/OD program. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and families in your community.

Sign up now and take the first step toward maximizing parent/caregiver attendance and participation in the AP/OD program!

Empoderando la Participación de los Padres/Cuidadores: Estrategias Efectivas para Mejorar la Asistencia de su Programa de Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors

Este taller está diseñado para brindarle el conocimiento y las herramientas para mejorar la participación de los padres/cuidadores en el programa de Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors (AP/OD), lo que conduce a resultados positivos para los niños y las familias.

Durante este taller, aprenderá sobre las mejores prácticas de alcance, reclutamiento, y retención para apoyar el éxito de su programa AP/OD. Nuestro facilitador experto lo guiará en cómo adoptar el programa AP/OD para que pueda reflejar la cultura y las realidades de familias diversas.

Si usted es un facilitador nuevo o ya existente, este taller le brindará conocimientos valiosos y estrategias prácticas para involucrar y empoderar de manera efectiva a los padres/cuidadores en el programa AP/OD. No pierda esta oportunidad de marcar una diferencia en las vidas de los niños y las familias de su comunidad.

¡Regístrese ahora y dé el primer paso para maximizar la asistencia y participación de los padres/cuidadores en el programa AP/OD!

**REGISTRATION CLOSED** AP/OD In Person Program Acquisition Institute February 20-22, 2024 | Presented in English

In the AP/OD 3rd Edition In-Person Program Acquisition Institute, participants will learn how to provide the curriculum directly to parents/families with children 0-5. The in-person training will take place in Los Angeles, CA and consists of 3 full consecutive days. Participants are required to attend three full days to complete their certification.
Training Location: 155 N. Occidental Blvd. ,Los Angeles, CA 90026
Training Language: English

Day 1: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 | Time 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Day 2: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 | Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Day 3: Thursday, February 22, 2024 | Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm



****REGISTRATION CLOSED****AP/OD Online Program Acquisition Institute March 4-15, 2024 | Presented in English

In the AP/OD Online 3rd Edition Program Acquisition Institute, participants will learn how to provide the curriculum directly to parents/families with children 0-5.
• The online training will require a minimum 17hrs of your time throughout the 2-weeks. We ask all participants to plan their work week accordingly.
• The training consists of 6 required live sessions via Zoom with our Master trainer and online homework that you will complete prior to each Zoom session.
• In order to receive your certification for implementing the Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, it is required YOU COMPLETE THE ONLINE HOMEWORK AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THE 6 SCHEDULED ZOOM SESSIONS.
*First day of the training is Monday  03/04,  even though there is no Zoom session on this date - participants should designate at least 2 hours this day to create their online account and complete the online homework to be prepared for the first Zoom session.

Zoom session #1 – Tuesday, 03/05 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:05 am Pacific Time (PT)
Zoom session #2 –Thursday, 03/07| Time: 9:30am – 11:30am PT
Zoom session #3 – Monday, 03/11| Time: 9:30am – 11:35am PT
Zoom session #4 – Tuesday, 03/12| Time: 9:30am -11:35am PT
Zoom session #5 – Thursday, 03/14 | Time: 9:30am – 10:55am PT
Zoom session #6 – Friday, 03/15 | Time: 9:30 am – 11:15 am PT
